Saturday, February 3, 2024

My collage images


This image reminded me of some of the older shows I grew up watching. I wanted to capture the fuzzy dream-like clutter that memories from so long ago have. 

This one is my favorite that I did. It was the one I spent the most time on and the first one I worked on. I thought the contrast between Daffy and Spongebob would be funny to see in a casino setting.

I had trouble finding high quality images for the characters I used. Finding the rat images was my favorite, the judge on the right is actually a gerbil instead of a rat. I added a crown as a reference to a rat king.

I struggled trying to get the furbies to look natural on the tree. I wanted to include one of every generation of furby but instead, I settled with just these few to avoid clutter.

I thought it would be fun to see some of the animaniacs cast in an area that was as chaotic as they were known for. I don't think the image turned out the way I wanted it to, but I had fun working with it.


  1. Nice I like the fourth image kind of animated and realistic at the same time.

  2. Great images! I love the characters throughout. I watched a lot of these characters growing up too!. You say you struggled with making the furbies look natural but I think they look good (definitely scary lol).

  3. Very good selection of characters and pictures, and everything looks as if these were the original photos.

